I'm a little behind in trading right now. Please be patient - everyone will get what they want ... eventually . Thanks!
Jim's audio trading list
Updated March 25, 2003
Slowly but surely, I'm making progress on this thing. I'll keep updating as I have time, but there was a significant update on March 3.
This list is basically a skeleton of my collection. Given a little more time, I'll try to complete all the empty spaces in the grid. In the meantime, if you see something you like, please drop me a line and I'll give you specifics if I have them. My trading policies are pretty much like anyone else's, and just about anything is negotiable. I will NOT sell copies, though. Trades only - even if it's for videos, blanks, used Playstation or Dreamcast games, etc.

If you're looking to trade with me, you have a good idea of what I'm looking for just by looking at what I already have. I am most interested in the Black Crowes, Buffalo Tom, Morphine, and the Sheila Divine, but I like much more than those bands, so let me know what you have and we can work something out ... Happy hunting!

Shows listed in GREEN are first generation taped by me in person

Please note that I can copy these shows onto MD, CD-R, or cassette, but sometimes that takes a while ... not all of these are on CD-R yet, and readying that format can take a couple of extra days.
Please pardon the construction - not all links are active yet. Soon, I promise ...

Bands A - L

Bands M - Z

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